It has been a jolly-good time on the island this week -- not a “holly jolly time” as it was during our Christmas-in-July themed Session 5, but think more along the lines of a “Jolly-Rancher-good time”. Tapawingo turned into Candyland for Session 7. For Tuesday’s event hour, campers dashed all around the island to find and capture their counselors, who were decked out with fun costumes and face paint to resemble Candyland characters. Thursday’s event hour consisted of a competitive and amusing Candyland obstacle course, along with other themed-related stations. The campers’ goal was to lead their blind-folded partner through a maze using only word-commands. Other programmatic highlights from the week included all the day hikes and overnights, the 15-second testimonies shared around Wednesday night’s bonfire, and the numerous badges that were earned this week. From drama to swimming and everything in-between, an impressive total of 41 badges were earned! 6 of those were Advanced Badges, 3 of those were Master Badges, and 1 was an Honor Camper badge.
Between Power Hours during the morning and Vespers at night, the girls learned how a transformed life of pursuing and pleasing the Lord with true joy is only possible by His grace to us through Christ. The mark of a Christian is not lack of sin, but the presence of a repentant heart. As we walk through this life, Jesus goes before and beside us as our closest friend, continually drawing us to the cross in repentance and deepening our faith through prayer and thanksgiving. What a blessing! We are not left in our sin, and we are not bound by it. Instead, Christ’s Spirit is continually at work in us who believe, conquering sinful patterns in our lives and giving us deeper desires for holiness and fellowship with God. Miss Mikayla gave us this reminder during her Tuesday Vespers and shared Hebrews 10:22-23, “[L]et us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”
Praise God - the baptism of another beloved Tapawingo staff member took place this week! Supported by her family and all the Session 7 campers and staff, Miss Natalie was baptized by Miss Joy by the island beach. It was so special to witness together as a camp the transformative work of Jesus in Miss Natalie’s life as she made a public proclamation of her faith in Him.
We are grateful for another week of sweet fellowship with sisters in Christ - and even more, for deeper fellowship with our Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that our Session 7 campers are refreshed by their time in the Word and are equipped to go deeper in their walks with Jesus, even as they go home to the routines of life. The One who calls us “is faithful, and he will do it.”
-Miss Karyn