Smiles and sunshine were prominent this week for session four! We are so grateful the rain held off for most of this week allowing for all of our activity classes and event hours to take place as scheduled. Three of our staff nominated Miss Catherine to receive the Honor Camper award during Friday night’s ceremony. We loved hearing how Miss Catherine exemplifies Christ through tangible ways. It is a joy to partner with her in serving at Tapawingo this summer. Mickey Weston came to speak at Vespers this week and impacted a lot of girls as he boldly proclaimed the gospel, revealing how following Christ is a choice worth making now, not waiting. We had six girls pray to receive Christ this week and we are prayerful that this decision will make an impact in their lives and for the Kingdom.
TAP Adventure had another successful week! This week the girls grew in their skills in the outdoors and learned more about the Lord through their times focusing on spiritual emphasis. They raced in canoes while practicing new canoe strokes. They improved climbing skills and surprised themselves with how far they could go. They had loads of fun at campfires with sweet treats made over the fire. They focused on love from the passage Romans 12:9-13, seeking to learn about what love is, how to be humble in love, and what it looks like practically to love as Jesus did. They had an amazing week full of adventures and memories.
We believe the Holy Spirit is present at Tapawingo, not only on the island but also in the hearts of our staff and campers. It is always a joy to partner with our counselors and admin staff to see how they become the hands and feet of Jesus to our campers each week! We have loved serving these past four weeks and cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for the next four!
In Christ,
Miss Shelby