about our campers
Tapawingo is open during June - August to girls between the ages of nine and seventeen, regardless of her race, creed, or nationality. A well-rounded camping program is offered for eight weeks with a maximum stay of two weeks. Tapawingo has 10 cabins housing eight campers and two staff. Our staff to camper ratio is 1:8, and many activities have a ratio of 1:4.
Our campers come from a wide range of economic, spiritual, social, family, and ethnic backgrounds. Some are very exposed to the obscenity of the world; others are much more sheltered. Some attend public schools, some private resident or non-resident schools, and some are home-schooled. We do our best to be sensitive to the multicultural backgrounds of campers at Tapawingo and to hire staff from a variety of backgrounds to provide a versatile ministry team.

CAMPER Information
Each week at Tapawingo, the goals for our campers include:
To learn more about Who God is, on His terms.
To mature in all areas of Christian womanhood (femininity, courage, versatility, male/female relationships, evangelism, social skills, etc.)
To learn (from God’s Word and by example) how to be a woman of God and determine her position before Him.
To take part in a variety of activities and learn new skills.
To make new friends and learn how to be a true friend.
To learn the joy of good discipline and hard work.
To discover God’s best for her life and set a course to follow that path.
To learn to enjoy and care for the outdoors.
While we are distinctly Christian in our worldview, we do not seek to "coerce" campers to accept any aspect of our foundational beliefs. We do, however, expect all of our campers to agree with and adhere to our Biblical principles and guidelines that form the backbone of our camp community. Here are some of our camp guidelines:
Gossip is not allowed.
Speech must be edifying.
Immoral behavior is confronted and corrected.
No electronics, cell phones, and/or smart watches.
Discernment must be used with music.
Early rising is encouraged.
Cabins are kept neat. Campers help clean.
Swim levels are assigned based on ability.

Session 1: June 25 - July 1
Session 2: July 2 - July 8
Session 3: July 9 - July 15
Session 4: July 16 - July 22
Session 5: July 23 - July 29
Session 6: July 30 - August 5
Session 7: August 6 - August 12
Session 8: August 13 - August 19
Tapawingo Health Form (completed by a physician) due May 1
TAP Adventure/CIT Health Form (completed by a physician)
Contact tapawingo@cotw.org for a Tapawingo Scholarship Application. Application due by February 1, 2023.