We began session seven with the Gospel taught by Miss Katherine during Gospel on the
Rocks. What a start to the week with the beautiful reminder of God’s love for us! The
good news continued throughout the week as Mr. Jeff taught that Jesus seeks our hearts
and steps into our messes. Our very own Miss Bri spoke to us about surrendering
everything to Jesus, and Miss Kayla offered encouragement to those who face doubt,
teaching that our faith is a gift from God.
This week’s theme was Spy Week, and our island was on mission this week! Event hours
required that our campers and “agents in training” locate the agents that make up our
Admin team. Their obstacle course and decoding skills were put to the test! In activities,
the campers earned 70 badges, breaking our record for the summer! The campers’ days
were filled with fun, and it is evident that they pursued excellence in all they did!
We are fast approaching the end of our summer season at Tapawingo, and we are filled
with gratitude for the opportunity to partner with the Lord in this ministry, serving and
loving each girl that sets foot on our island. For our last week, we ask for prayers that
campers would continue to feel the love of Jesus, and that He would work in their hearts
and minds in their time here. We pray that campers will have a fun, safe, and spiritually
reviving time at Tapawingo!
“In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in
the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good
work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” – Philippians