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session three recap

Every night, campers and staff leave Vespers singing “Go Out With Joy” with lyrics directly from Isaiah 55. During Power Hour this week, we walked through this chapter of Scripture reiterating several points. First, we are to seek the Lord and call on Him. In doing so, He will have mercy on us. Second, God’s thoughts and ways are higher than our thoughts and ways. Third, everything that comes from God will accomplish His purposes. While we did spend time learning from 1 Kings, Psalms, and Isaiah; we also spent a lot of time on our feet having fun!

This week’s theme of Pirates had fun-filled event hours, and times of activities alongside their cabin cohorts throughout the day. We had 32 badges awarded during session three, ten of which were staff members! Our CITs are in week three out of four. This past week they hiked the Peaks and had some highlights from their time together. The big thing this week was the leader of the day. Each girl led a spiritual emphasis that was laid out for the other girls to focus on. In total, the three CIT groups hiked have hiked 34 High Peaks over the last 3 weeks. Go, girls! They also showed a lot of initiative in servant leadership. Their leaders are proud of them! Next week, the CIT ladies will be immersing themselves in camp life: partnering with counselors to help lead cabins, teach activity areas, and leading a cabin devotional. Pray for them as they take on new leadership responsibilities!

TAP Adventure is a new program this summer and they have had an incredible week too! The girls talked a lot about spiritual gifts and how those are used in the body of Christ to bring God glory. The girls loved caving – it was a new experience for a lot of them. They loved learning how to rescue canoes and climbing was really fun because the girls were able to persevere, show their determination and get past the hard parts. The girls bonded well and got to know each other around mealtimes, playing games, and hanging out (they also thought the food was awesome)! We are grateful for Miss Hailey and Miss Joyellen for leading this new program each week!

Session four will begin tomorrow and we’re excited to welcome new campers onto the island. Would you continue to pray for us as we share and show God’s love to them?

-Miss Shelby


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