Session 3 has taken off on the island of Tapawingo! Campers have been studying the
book of Hebrews and learning about how Jesus is the new and better covenant. We’ve also had
amazing speakers at vespers. Miss Helen spoke on Monday night and shared photos of
Tapawingo back when she was a camper in the 80s! She spoke about the true, hidden treasure of
Jesus found on the island of Tapawingo, and how it was worth far more than anything found in
this world. Miss Annie spoke on Tuesday night about trusting the Lord even when we can’t see
or feel him. She encouraged campers to let their faith inform their feelings, rather than allowing
feelings to shape their faith.
Campers and counselors are having a blast in their activities! From waterskiing to sailing
to archery, there is never a dull moment on the island. Along with many activities, campers have
been going on hikes and overnights. The Cherokee cabin arrived from their overnight
Wednesday morning. They told stories of Miss Brianna starting a fire despite the pouring rain!
While Cherokee was dealing with rain in the woods, the island got some rain as well, and shifted
to rainy day activities Tuesday afternoon! The campers and counselors had tons of fun between
cabin games and a counselor fashion show, with campers as the fashion designers!
Besides the downpour on Tuesday, the weather at Tapawingo has been beautiful this week!
There have been vibrant sunrises with the morning mist rising from the lake, a breezy sunset during
Gospel on the Rocks, and lots of sunshine. We thank God for providing Tapawingo with such
wonderful weather, activities jam-packed with fun, and for the Holy Spirit moving in the hearts
of campers! Thank you for all your prayers for the work that is being done here! We ask for
continued prayers for our island, staff, and campers. Onto session 4!