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Writer's pictureTapawingo

session three reflections

“Under the sun.” This is the phrase that has stuck out to me in our Commanche Cabin devotionals this week. As we study the Ecclesiastes, I am reminded of the wisdom of the Lord. Ecclesiastes can be quite a dismal and discouraging book when you initially read it. A common theme is the idea that everything that we could do on this earth is vanity or meaninglessness. This is not the most encouraging wisdom for someone to take to heart; however this one phrase, “Under the sun,” redeems the entire book and makes Ecclesiastes a message of hope as opposed to one of vanity and chasing after the wind. The author uses this metaphor to teach his audience about how fruitless our lives are here without God. Residing in the heavens, God is above the sun, so it is only when we walk with him and strive to accomplish his work here on this earth that our toil is worth anything. Ecclesiastes is a sweet message of hope for the believer, who understands that walking with the Lord, and seeking after his work is the only eternal and meaningful thing that we can do on this earth.

Walking around the island, I find myself noticing the sky more and more. In the early mornings as I crawl out of my bunkbed, I get a beautiful view of the sun waking up and climbing over the mountains on top of the lake. I notice the sky and the warm sun when we reach the top of the mountain on our hikes. At night as my co-counselor and I pray over Commanche, I am amazed by the stars that clutter the sky. It looks like a dome of stars that cover the entire lake with the island resting in the middle of it. I am reminded that through everything that I do in my own strength on this island and in my life, it is all but chasing after the wind. The only thing that will make my life worthwhile is to seek the Lord, because his will and work is eternal.

I am grateful to God for allowing me to come to Tapawingo. While it is one of the most challenging places I have ever worked, the island is a place of refuge and restoration for my faith. I have experienced the love of God on the island in the form of song, one-on-ones, watching the girls in my cabin love each other well, and even in the prank battles we start. This summer has already been filled with so much fun and laughter, I am cannot wait to discover what else God teaches me in my time here, and how He will work through these next weeks.

Praise God for the Island of Joy and the eternal work that He is accomplishing here.

With love, Miss Mags


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